Friday, August 28, 2015

How BOT 3000 Can Help Prevent Slips and Falls In Your Store Premises

Slip and fall accidents may occur within the premises of your store. Should this happen, you have to prepare as this potential liability can hurt your business whether you are proven guilty or not. A lawsuit will lead to a tarnished reputation and will eventually dismiss all your customers. And when it comes to finances, this means lost.

As the property owner or tenant, you are deemed to be liable for the slips and falls within your property if the following factors are proven:

•    You and/or one of your employees has caused the spill which led to the accident
•    You and/or your employees are aware of the potential danger but did not act upon it
•    You and/or your employees have neglected your duty to know the presence of the dangerous surface and to perform corrective action that could have prevented the accident.

How To Prevent Slips And Falls

A safer place can be created to prevent slips and falls from happening. Here are few practices worthwhile to follow within your store's premises.

Develop policies related to good housekeeping.
Deal with the surfaces that may cause slips and falls within your store by developing policies related to good housekeeping. Create housekeeping procedures and display these where your staff can see and check them. Train your staff and enforce these policies. Your staff should know their duties especially those assigned to clean up spills in the store.

Free the store’s aisles and walkways from obstructions.
Slippery surfaces are not the sole cause of slips and falls. Obstructions as well can trip customers and your staff. So remove obstacles all over your store premises.

Install proper lighting.
Proper lighting should be installed in every areas of the store. All accessible areas to customers or your employees should be amply lit.

Invest in anti-slip tapes and anti-slip floor coatings.
Perform the necessary corrective measures once you become aware of potential trouble spots. Don’t wait for accidents to happen before you put anti-slip items.

Carry out slip resistance test.
To determine potential causes of slip and falls within your store premises, perform slip resistance testing. Measure the static and dynamic coefficient of friction in both wet and dry flooring conditions by using slip resistance tester such as the BOT 3000 Digital Tribometer. A better option is to hire slip resistance testing experts to do the job for you.